There are many aspects of measurement in healthcare – measurements on patients, measurements on medical devices and measurements in the production of these devices.
The West Yorkshire region and the companies, universities and other research organisations within it are proud to be recognised as being at the cutting edge of research and product development in these areas.
With these advances, the measurements needed and the methods for taking them are evolving fast. One constant is the requirement for this data to be high quality, repeatable and accurate.
This event will bring together speakers from NPL and local leading academic institutions to speak about some of the research ongoing in this area and give you a chance to feedback on measurement challenges that will help shape the future of metrology.
A full agenda will be available shortly, but it promises to be an interesting event – please save the date!
Please note that there is NO parking at the venue. There are several car parks within a 5-minute-walk from the centre. We recommend the NCP Colne Road West that charges 95p per hour. Find out more here.
There are two spaces at the front of the building and one at the rear for blue badges, which are unreserved and available on a first-come-first-served basis.
The Huddersfield Health Innovation Partnership is a collaboration between the University of Huddersfield, 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, Business Kirklees, the NHS and other local and regional health and wellbeing partners.
This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which is being delivered by the University of Huddersfield in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority who are acting as Lead Authority for the Funds.
By registering for this event, you are consenting to the sharing of your data between the University of Huddersfield and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
The Data collected in this form will be used by the Huddersfield Health Innovation Partnership to meet the requirements of the programme for which you are expressing an interest. We may also share your data with West Yorkshire Combined Authority as they control the UK Shared Prosperity fund, from which our programme is funded and regulated. It will not be shared further without your consent. The information will be stored and used in accordance with the University’s privacy policy which you can find here.
Your data will be retained for a period of up to 6 years, after which it will be securely destroyed unless you provide explicit permission for us to retain it for a longer duration, or you request its removal sooner. We assure you that your information will be handled in accordance with UK GDPR regulations and will only be used for the purposes stated herein.